OII Advisory Board
The OII Advisory Board is established in RCW 43.102.130. The Board provides advice and input to the OII Director on the creation and operation of the office. The Board does not determine which cases OII will investigate, conduct investigations, nor make any decisions on cases investigated by the OII.
Board members serve three-year terms and are required to complete anti-racism training. For the initial appointments, terms were staggered with some members serving three years, and some serving four years. More information about the makeup of the advisory board is in RCW 43.102.130.
Contact information
Email: AdvisoryBoard@oii.wa.gov
Sign up to receive email updates: OII Advisory Board updates
Mailing address
P.O. Box 40270,
Olympia, WA 98504
Board members
The following founding OII Advisory Board members were appointed by Governor Inslee on Nov. 15, 2021:
Monica Alexander, Pierce County, member of the Criminal Justice Training Commission
Eric Drever (co-chair), King County, police chief who is also the member of an independent investigations team
Norma Gallegos, Chelan County, general public - not current or former law enforcement
Anthony Golik, Clark County, prosecuting attorney
Philip Harju, Thurston County, tribal member - representing a federally recognized tribe in Washington (Cowlitz), who is not current or former law enforcement
Monisha Harrell, Snohomish County, general public - not current or former law enforcement
Vacant Role, defense attorney representative
Susie Kroll, Snohomish County, licensed mental health professional
Faapouaita Leapai, King County, general public - not current or former law enforcement
James Schrimpsher, King County, representative of a police officer labor association with experience in homicide investigations
Fred Thomas (co-chair), Pierce County, general public - family impacted by an incident under the jurisdiction of the office
The board meets monthly unless otherwise scheduled.